The Bearded Scribe Press

Discovering Tomorrow's Top Speculative Fiction Authors Today

Terms & Conditions
  1. REVIEW POLICY: The reviewer agrees to maintain a clear and transparent review policy on their blog or platform, outlining criteria for accepting books, preferred genres, and expectations regarding review timelines and formats (e.g., written reviews, ratings, social media mentions).

  2. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: The reviewer will clearly communicate their acceptance criteria for book submissions, including genres of interest, target audience, and any specific preferences or restrictions (e.g., no self-published books, minimum publication date, etc.).

  3. REVIEW TIMELINE: Both parties will agree upon a reasonable timeline for the reviewer to read the book and publish the review. This timeline should consider the book’s length, complexity, and the reviewer’s existing commitments.

  4. HONESTY & INTEGRITY: The reviewer agrees to provide honest and unbiased reviews based on their genuine reading experience. They will disclose any potential conflicts of interest, such as personal relationships with authors or publishers, that may influence their review.

  5. REVIEW FORMAT: The parties will agree on the format of the review (e.g., written blog post, video review, podcast episode) and any supplementary content (e.g., author interviews, giveaways) to be included with the review.

  6. COPYRIGHT & ATTRIBUTION: The reviewer acknowledges that the book’s content is protected by copyright and agrees to provide appropriate attribution to the author and publisher in their review.

  7. PROMOTION & SHARING: Both parties may discuss opportunities for promoting the review across social media channels, newsletters, and other platforms to reach a wider audience.

  8. CONFIDENTIALITY: Any pre-publication information or materials provided by the author or publisher will be treated confidentially and not shared publicly without explicit permission.

  9. FEEDBACK & REVISIONS: The author or publisher may provide feedback on the review draft for factual accuracy or to address any concerns. However, the reviewer retains editorial control over their opinions and interpretations.

  10. TERMINATION: Either party reserves the right to terminate the agreement with reasonable notice if unforeseen circumstances arise or if the terms of the agreement are violated.